
You have a business that’s moving right along, but you’re starting to max out the hours you have in a day. You love what you do, but you feel stretched. Tapped out. Overworked. Time has officially become more valuable than money, but you don’t even know where to get started.

I feel your pain. Running a business is no joke and you need someone at your side who can support you and help you offload tasks right where you’re at. I’m here to come right alongside you and make jump-starting your team a seamless process. If this is you, keep reading! I have some services below that you will want to check out. 

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You’re ready to business seriously, but you’re still feeling overwhelmed and exhausted. Start moving on the projects that matter the most, with bi-weekly check-ins that will hold you more accountable in your business. Accountability call will check-in on your goals by checking in with you on a regular basis.

Package includes:

  • 1 Hour Bi-Weekly Accountability Check-In’s

  • Weekly Slack/Email Check-In’s

ac·count·a·bil·i·ty | /əˌkoun(t)əˈbilədē/ | noun

1. the fact or condition of being accountable;

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You’re ready to start offloading tasks (or maybe you need a Delegation Download*) and take back your time.

Tasks I can help with include:

  • Asana Organization

  • Accountability

  • Blog Content and Management

  • Inbox Organization

  • Social Media Content Calendar + Scheduling

  • Team Management

  • Quick Website Updates (Squarespace or WordPress)

*Delegation Download: If you’re not sure what you’d hand off to your business sidekick, we’ll jump on the phone for 30 minutes where you’ll talk me through your workweek. I’ll take notes and provide you with a list via email of tasks I can take over for you.

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Unsure of what you should be handing off as you start to grow a team? Have you had a bad experience with a VA and want to know how to delegate better? If that sounds like you, or you’re still not sure what you’d hand off to your business sidekick, we’ll jump on the phone for 2 hours where you’ll talk me through your business, workload, processes, and a typical workweek. I’ll take notes and provide you with a list via email of tasks you should be delegating to a team and how to do it more effectively.

Package includes:

  • One 2 Hour Delegation Download Call

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You know you have a project coming up, but you are unsure of how to track all the steps…. I’m talking an 8 week mentorship program or a design project. I’ve got your back! We can work together to create a project template to help ensure a great customer experience journey or a great project outline that can keep you one track.

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Ready for a new website or a refresh on your current one? I got you!

Make an inquiry for website design by emailing caitlyn[at]caitlynallen[dot]com or by booking a call with me below, to learn more about the services I offer.

Platforms I prefer:

  • Squarespace

  • WordPress